Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Portrait/Flash- Diary Entry

This project went fairly well for me. I finished my project with time to spare, and am fairly happy with my final print. However, there were some drawbacks in the process.
First of all, my camera broke during the shooting stage of the project, so I not only had to take my camera in to be fixed, but also borrow someone else's camera to reshoot. In developing the film, I had difficulty rolling the film onto the reels, since I used the newer double tanks. However, I managed to get it on eventually. when processing the negatives, Yukun and I shared a tank, and he insisted I flip the tank over so that the chemicals would cover both reels equally, but the chemicals instead flowed into the empty space at the top of the tank, so I think hurt the processing in the end. my negatives also ended up with the top and bottom sides darker than the middle, which I think was caused by the developing process. It was frustrating doing my prints because I finished a print and then couldn't use it because it was cropped at a weird place. Then looking at my contact sheet we realized that they were all cut off in weird places, which was frustrating. I'm satisfied with my final print.