Thursday, September 11, 2008

Lighting Pt. 1: Printing Compositions: Portrait 1

Contact Sheet
Portraits Contact Sheet
For my portraits, I chose to use the 3 yellow checked images. I misunderstood the assignment initially and chose 3 instead of 2. the first two are my soft lit images, and the farthest to the right is my hard lit image.
Aperture: 2.8
Filter: 1.5
Time: 8 seconds
Portrait 1
For this print, I started out with the same settings as the contact sheet. I gradually closed the aperture to 4. In this test strip I experimented with different times- 5 and 6 seconds.
Aperture: 4
Filter: 1.5 Time: 5 and 6 seconds
For the final print, I reduced the filter to 1, focused the image (since I realized I had forgotten to do that previously, and made the print at 7.5 seconds.
Aperture: 4
Filter: 1
Time: 7 seconds

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