Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Claustrophobia: Diary Entry

I think that this project is the best one I've done so far. I'm very proud of the composition of my shots, and I think they make a nice series. I can really only think of one setback, that I couldn't find my test strips one day, but that all turned out to work in my favor. INstead of using the settings I had for the previous test strip, I did another one and ended up doing a final print almost immediately, and then continued to do all of my prints at the same settings, which happened to be the settings for my contact sheet. One setback I had was that I thought I had finished the project with 3 images and at the beginning of the next class found out I needed 4, but I managed to get a print fairly quickly using the same settings and that flowed well with my series. Another frustrating event towards the beginning of my project was not being able to use the one print I was most proud of. It was too dark, but if I lightened it up it removed the effect of the picture, so I had to give up and work on other prints, but this worked out because then I ended up with a good series.
This is the print I made that I didn't end up using.

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