Thursday, November 20, 2008

Lighting Pt. 3 (fashion- hair): Printing Composition 3

I had to reshoot to get pictures of 2 people, so I used Josh and Almu. The print I used is the 3rd from the left on the first diagonal test strip. My contact sheet was at: Aperture: 8 Seconds: 65 Filter: 0 The contact sheet was a bit gray, so I added a filter and then added time to compensate for it. Aperture: 8 Seconds: 130 Filter: 2
This was too light still, so I did a test strip at higher times.
Aperture: 8 Seconds: 160 + 20 seconds intervals Filter: 2
This was still too light so I did another test strip at an even higher time.
Aperture: 8 Seconds: 300 + intervals of 30 Filter: 2
Then I tried a full print at 590 seconds.
Aperture: 8 Seconds: 590 Filter: 2

Then, I forgot that I had done a large print already, so I tried another full print based off of the test strip's settings. Aperture: 8 Seconds: 390 Filter: 2

Then I wanted more black in my print without so much time, so I opened up m aperture a bit and left the time the same. Aperture: 5.6 Seconds: 390 Filter: 2

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