Thursday, November 20, 2008

Lighting Pt. 3 (Fashion- Hair): Printing Compositions 1+2

These were my contact sheets for Ines. I didn't end up making a contact sheet for My pictures of Renee, so I only made prints of Ines initially. I used the circled image on the top contact sheet and the cut off image on the bottom left corner of the 2nd contact sheet.
Aperture: 4
Seconds: 35
Filter: 2
To start out, I did a test strip at the same settings as my contact sheet, but it was too dark, so I closed the aperture, increased the filter, and added time.
Aperture: 8 Seconds: 70 Filter: 3
Then, I realized that I needed to make the print A3, so I raised the enlarger and doubled the time.
Aperture: 8
Seconds: 140
Filter: 3
This was too light, so I did a test strip of longer times.
Aperture: 8
Seconds: 140 + intervals of 30
Filter: 3This was still too light and also too gray, so I increased my filter, closed my aperture, and increased my time.
Aperture: 2.8 Seconds: 250 + intervals of 50 Filter: 5
This was too dark, so I did another test strip at lower times.
Aperture: 2.8 Seconds: 100 + intervals of 20 Filter: 5
Since the last strip was still too dark, I did a final print at an even lower time.
Aperture: 2.8 Seconds: 85 Filter: 5For the next print, I reduced my filter, and left the other settings the same.
Aperture: 2.8 Seconds: 85 Filter: 3
This was still too gray and too dark, so I increased my filter even more and tried a test strip with different (lower) times.
Aperture: 2.8 Seconds: 20 + 20 second intervals. Filter: 5This was still gray and a bit dark, so I closed my aperture and left the times the same so it would be a bit lighter. Aperture: 4 Seconds: 20-40-60-80 Filter: 5Then I did a final print at 75 seconds. Aperture: 4 Seconds: 75 Filter: 5

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