Thursday, February 5, 2009

Narrative: Image Bank

"Donna," as she refers to herself on her internet blog, is a photographer with her own business (wild creative photography). She teaches at a Primary school part-time and has 2 daughters. She is from Southern Australia. Learn more here!
I was drawn to this photo because it's so light and happy. The child seems so free, and I think that emotion really gets to the viewer. I like this sifferent take on narrative photography also- instead of a real "story," it's more of a series of events that conveys a feeling more than anything.
Kristina Drobny is a 29 year old photographer currently living in Burlington, Vermont, USA. She has an MFA in photography. She takes narrative photographs, trying to tell a story with a single shot. She enjoys the control she gets from sealing her models' fate.
I was drawn to this picture because it's weird. It's funny. But it also tells a very curious story st the same time, perhaps making it funny in the first place. What is he covered with? SHaving cream? Is he shaving his whole body? Is it soap? Potato salad? I don't know, and the picture definitely makes me want to find out.

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