Monday, February 2, 2009

Narrative: Printing Composition: 1 + 2

This is my contact sheet. The negatives turned out fairly well, excpet for the black bars on the sides of a lot of the images and amoebas on some of them. Aperture: 4 Time: 42 Filter: 0 Then I tried my first print at the same settings as the contact sheet but doubled the time, since it was a full print. Aperture: 4 Time: 84 Filter: 0 That was too dark and gray, so I tried a test strip at aperture 8 and several times. Aperture: 8 Time: 84+10... Filter: 0 This looked good, so I did a full print at 94 seconds. Aperture: 8 Time: 94 Filter: 0
For the next print, I tried the first test strip using the previous print's settings: Aperture: 8 Time: 94 Filter: 0
This was too dark, so I tried a test strip at a lower time. Aperture: 8 Time: 80 + 2... Filter: 0 This was too gray, so I opened my aperture and added a high filter, since the story "happens" in the background, which is darker. Aperture: 2.8 Time: 40 Filter: 4 This looked better, so I tried a full print at those settings. Aperture: 2.8 Time: 40 Filter: 4

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