Thursday, February 5, 2009

Narrative: Theory Notes (My Story)

Narrative (storyboard) photography is a series of photos that tells a story. Here is my story. Sally leaned over to Lisa. She had found her newest victim. "Oh, my God! WHAT is she wearing? A belt on top of a shirt? What a weirdo! She thinks she's like some fashionable diva or whatever? Uhmm, no. Sorry honey." Lisa looked where she had Sally pointed. Frida was walking by. Of everyone Lisa hated, she talked about Frida the most. "Ugh!! Look at her! Looking at us like she's all that? Really? Whatever. Keep walking honey. Just keep walking." Sally was taking careful note of the art of bullying. And Lisa was the master.
But Frida had had enough. She was tired of being bullied every day of every month just because Lisa was bored. And today was the day it was going to end. She was scared, and she knew it showed. But she had to be strong or this would never end. So she said it. Lisa was just jealous. But that was when Sally piped up. "Jealous?!" she said. "Jealous of what, toothpick?" She had been learning, and had finally mastered the art of the unnecessary diss. Unfortunately, this was the wrong day to have surpassed the master.
Frida lunged at Sally with fury. She just couldn't take it anymore. And she wouldn't. She pulled Sally out of the chair and attacked her like an animal, pulling her hair, scratching her face, and screaming at the top of her lungs. Lisa found the whole thing entertaining, because there was 1 thing Sally didn't know yet: always have someone by you to take the blame for what you've done.

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