Friday, May 1, 2009

Dancers: Diary Entry

Although this project was fairly short, I enjoyed it thoroughly. I missed the 1st class, which put me a little behind the rest, but it also gave me some interesting shots that other people didn't have. Most of my shots were from pretty far away, which didn't turn out horribly well, but I liked the poses themselves. This made the project mroe fun, but also made it harder to pick which image I wanted to develop. In terms of the processing, this project wasn't as succesful as others have been. My negatives weren't very good. They had pretty good contrast, but were quite grey, and since I was enlarging them so much they were too grainy to put in a high filter. Instead I closed my aperture, but the pictures still didn't turn out fabulously. Another problem I enocuntered was my enlarger. during the 2nd to last class it suddenly stopped working well. Even after it got fixed it was still having problems. Luckily, though, Yukun and I were the only ones still working in the dark room, so I could move to another enlarger easily and finish my print. The empty darkroom was another nice thing about this project: since I had a late start, I had the dark room pretty much to myself, which was less stressful and more efficient. I am fairly happy with my final prints.

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