Friday, May 1, 2009

Dancers: Printing Compositions: 2nd print

This is my print with the higher film speed, so it's more of a frozen image than a blur.
For the 1st test strip I tried it at the same settings as the last print I did.
Aperture: 5.6 Filter:2 Time:32
This was too dark, so I did a test strip at lower times. Aperture: 5.6 Filter: 2 Time: 10 + 10 + 5... Then I tried another test strip at 30. Aperture: 5.6 Filter: 2 Time: 30

These were a bit gray, so I tried a test strip with different filters.

Aperture: 5.6 Filter: 3/4 Time: 30

Then my enlarger broke, so I tried the same thing after it was fixed.

Aperture: 5.6 Filter: 3/4 Time: 30

I decided on a 3 filter, and needed to lower the time as well.

Aperture: 5.6 Filter: 3 Time: 20 + 1...

This was too light, so I did another test strip with the same settings but more time.

Aperture: 5.6 Filter:3 Time: 25 + 5...

Then I tried an A4 print at 50 seconds with the same settings.

Aperture: 5.6 Filter: 3 Time: 50

After a couple more test strips and switching enlargers, I ended up with a better quality print, although still a bit dark..

Aperture: 8 Filter: 3 Time: 50

This is part of my final print.
Aperture: 8 Filter: 3 Time: 50

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