Friday, May 1, 2009

Dancers: Image Bank

This is a picture of a traditional Las Vegas, Nevada, USA dancer, an Elvis impersonator and his fans. The lighting in this image is blurry, as are the people, a hint of the party atmosphere and frenzied movement of a Las Vegas party scene. The composition also contributes to the wild mood, since the people are cut off in odd places. It is also a close-up, which gives a more personal sense of the scene. The angle is straight on, as if the photographer is a dancer at the party along with the rest of them. Source
This is a picture of Indian classical dance in New Delhi. The lighting seems to be traditional stage lighting, with colored lighting in the background and all of the dancers' faces clearly lit. The composition seems quite complete, with all of the dancers' hands drawing attention to the woman in the center, but on a closer look we see another woman's foot in the bottom right corner. This suggests that the photographer cut out some dancers, but still gave a complete compositional effect. The angle seems to be from below, as if the photographer was in an audience below the stage, which gives an enhanced sense of the performance aspect of the dance (a rehearsed as opposed to impromptu dance). Source
This picture is of a Turkish Dervish whirler. The lighting is a warm, even tone, presumable reflecting off of the wood floors and other atmosphere pieces. The composition is, like the Indian dancers, complete although portions of other people are visible. The dancer takes up almost the entire frame, filling it nicely. He is also blurry, which along with his twirling skirt gives a suggestion of him spinning as opposed to some other movement, a key element in conveying the idea of the picture. The angle is from above, giving a euphoric feeling. It also has a clandestine tone, as if we are peering in on something we shouldn't be seeing, and gives the picture a very intimate feeling. Source
This is a picture of Tango dancers in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Tango is a very traditional Latin American ballroom dance centered around the idea of romance. The lighting here is clear, but cool, bringing out the greys of the man's suit and ground, but most of all the red of the woman's dress. The composition is beautiful. The woman's head and shoulders are cut out, and the man's entire upper body is missing. Although this would normally seem very odd, with the Tango, where the idea of romance and desire are conveyed completely with the body, the face of the dancers is unnecessary, and this composition focuses instead on the beauty of the dance without the distraction of their faces. I also like the amount of empty ground space between the camera and the subjects, as the grid of the tiles enhances the strong lines of the dancers and contrasts beautifully with their curves. The angle is also important in this piece, as it is straight on, as a spectator on the street would see them. Since the Tango is the dance of the people, this seems quite appropriate. Source
This is a picture of a debutante ball in Vienna, Austria. There is bright, filling lighting which gives a happy, elegant mood to the photo. The composition is simple, but effective, showing enough people to give a sense of the large group present, but few enough people that you can see detail in the guests' clothing and faces. The composition also conveys the inner circle of the dancers, as well as the line of people standing outside that. The angle is from above, since it is hard to see detail in a ballroom dance from eye-level. This also enhances the elegant feel of the picture. Source
This is a picture of a Russian Ballet dancer practicing. Ballet is a typical dance of Russia and an icon of their culture. The lighting of this image is unusual, with the shadows peering in through the windows and revealing the city scape outside. It seems to be dusk from the angle of the lighting, which along with the dancer's passionate expression tells a nice story in the picture. Other than the shadows from the window the room is quite dark, which gives an intimate feeling. The dancer is still lit enough to be able to see detail, which makes it quite personal still. The composition of this image is interesting- the ballerina seems to be very alone in such a large, empty room, seemingly alone with her feelings and her dance. It is beautifully introspective in a sense, because the uneven lighting, spartan composition, and simple, straightforward angle all work together for an intimately beautiful piece. Source

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