Friday, May 1, 2009

Dancers: Printing Compositions: 1st print

This is my print with a lower film speed and therefore a blurry motion shot. This was my original try at my first print. However when I first started developing it we realized it was really grainy and not a good choice, so I moved onto the next one. This was my 1st attempt for the 1st print (the 2nd time). I started out with the settings from my last print attempt. Aperture: 4 Filter: 2 Time: 10+ 2... This looked good, so I tried an A4 print at 10 seconds. Aperture: 4 Filter: 2 Time: 10
This was a bit gray, so I closed the aperture (since adding a filter would make it grainier than it already was). Because I was closing the aperture, I added another 10 seconds.
Aperture: 5.6
Filter: 2
Time: 20 I then tried an A4 print at 22 seconds to see how the contrast looked in the rest of the picture. Aperture: 5.6 Filter: 2 Time: 22
This looked alright but a little light, so I did a final A3 print at 32 seconds. Aperture: 5.6 Filter: 2 Time: 32

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